After considering the early tango songbook of the 1920s, with its focus on society’s changes and the new place of individuals in the world, it might seem like tango was a genre wrapped up in its own moment of history, intent on representing the scenery of modern life in snapshots of the rainy street and the champagne flute, the misty port and the smoky casino. Yet by the latter 1940s, tango had grown into the voice of the people in its own pictures, capable of sounding the depths of experience with almost no imagery at all, just a melody and a message of raw emotion. The song “Gracias” is one such example, a lyric seemingly without any context, a pure expression of gratitude, which the prolific Carlos Bahr produced among dozens of other songs during the boom of the Forties. While the recordings made by Di Sarli and Biagi are more familiar to dancers, I have linked to a less popular one by Osmar Maderna (once the pianist of Miguel Caló’s band) with a knockout performance by Orlando Verri, whose voice carries the song’s emotion clearly like a star shining amid a thunderstorm.

Thank You

(Tr. Jake Spatz)
YouTube: Orlando Verri (orq. Osmar Maderna)

Thank you, for when I stood before the chasm
When I’d lost myself already
For awakening my promise.
Thank you, for investing my existence
In misfortune, with the goodness
Of the softness of your voice.
Thank you, for the dawn that you ignited,
For the faith that you incited,
For the second life you gave me…
Thank you, for the single day you saved me
From my heartless living on
With just your song.

In a hundred nights of pain
I called on you while I prayed,
And your miracle of love
Gave a sign to my voice.
In the thunderstorm of darkness my life was
Your love lit up like a star where the light was,
And now I’m giving thanks to God
For your love and my love.

Thank you, for the ease of my encounter
And the kindness of my ending
Since I have a hope to cling to.
Thank you, for your wonder-working hands
That placated in my mind
My deep disenchantment with life.
Thank you, for the peace with which you graced me,
For the mists that you erased me,
For the sky you opened to me…
Thank you, for the day on which you saved me
From dishonor and from hate
With just your song.

Gracias (1946)

Music: Elías Randal
Lyrics: Carlos Bahr

Gracias, porque al borde del abismo
Cuando estaba ya perdido
Animaste mi esperanza.
Gracias, por el bien que a mi existencia
Sin fortuna, trajo
La ternura de tu voz.
Gracias, por la aurora que encendiste
Por la fe que me enseñaste
Por la vida que me diste…
Gracias, porque un día me salvaste
De vivir sin corazón
Con tu canción.

En cien noches de dolor
Te llamó mi oración,
Y el milagro de tu amor
A mi voz, respondió.
En la oscura cerrazón de mi vida
Fue tu amor como una estrella encendida,
Y hoy le doy gracias a Dios
Por tu amor y mi amor.

Gracias, porque es fácil mi encuentro
Y es amable mi destino
Porque tengo una esperanza.
Gracias, por tus manos milagrosas
Que aplacaron en mi mente
Mi hondo desencanto de vivir.
Gracias, por la paz que me brindaste
Por las nieblas que borraste
Por el cielo que me diste…
Gracias, porque un día me salvaste
De la infamia y el rencor
Con tu canción.

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