E. S. Discépolo created this touching title song for the 1935 film El Alma Del Bandoneón from director Mario Soffici. The film also features Discépolo’s epoch-making protest tango “Cambalache.” While many dancers know the recording by Francisco Canaro and the voice of Roberto Maida, for a change of pace the links below include the film performance by Libertad Lamarque before an enlarged stage orchestra, as well as a fine studio version featuring singer Imperio Argentina accompanied by two guitars (one of the common trio ensembles for tango songs).

Soul of the Bandoneon

(Tr. Jake Spatz)
YouTube: Libertad Lamarque (film clip)
Imperio Argentina (studio)

I once made fun of you,
Because I never knew
Nor comprehended your woes.
I thought that all along
You stole your cruel song
From someone else, bandoneon…
Just now I understand
How that despairing groan
Goes ever stirring in you,
A caterpillar who wished to be
A butterfly before he was through!

By your moan,
There was told to me
All the woes
Of defeat there
Groaning as you breathe;
Moan from down where
Life is led
Obscure and never spared,
Who dreamt of flying free
And drag your hope aground

Like you I had a dream…
Like you I lived my life
Without achieving my goal.
Bandoneon, your soul
—the soul I drag in me—
Voice of despond and of love:
I’ll seek you when I die,
I’ll send you my goodbye
To beg forgiveness of you,
And with the tightest of squeezes,
Will break you the pieces
Of my own heart too.

Alma del bandoneón (1935)

Music: Enrique Santos Discépolo
Lyrics: Enrique Santos Discépolo
y Luis César Amadori

Yo me burlé de vos
porque no te entendí
ni comprendí tu dolor.
Tuve la sensación
de que tu canto cruel
lo habías robao, bandoneón…
Recién comprendo bien
la desesperación
que te revuelve al gemir
¡Sos una oruga que quiso ser
mariposa antes de morir!

Fue tu voz,
la que me confió
el dolor
del fracaso
que hay en tu gemir;
voz que es fondo
de la vida
oscura y sin perdón,
del que soñó volar
y arrastra su ilusión

Igual que vos soñé…
Igual que vos viví
sin alcanzar mi ambición.
Alma de bandoneón
—alma que arrastro en mí—
voz de desdicha y de amor,
te buscaré al morir,
te llamaré en mi adiós,
para pedirte perdón,
y al apretarte en mis brazos,
darte en pedazos
mi corazón.
